Student writing in learning journal

What is a Learning Journal?

Secondary Education

Learning journals make it simple to build up a weekly snap-shot of learning and achievement. Making insights into thought processes readily available for parents’ evenings or Ofsted inspections. Schools can use journals in each classroom to encourage independent learning, and […]

Child reading a book for school

Reading Records and Literacy Guides

Primary Education

Developing reading abilities during Key Stage 1 is not just a component of the National Curriculum, but also a foundational pillar in a child’s academic journey. The advantages of reading extend beyond the mere expansion of vocabulary and enhancement of […]

Fostering and nurturing the growth mindset

Growth Mindset Quotes for Every Week of the Year

News and Views

However you may feel about it, there’s no denying that the growth mindset produces results. It’s impossible to swing a proverbial cat in education nowadays without bumping into the growth mindset and associated pedagogies (something that we’ve previously covered in […]

A student looks upset and stressed at school

Dealing With SEMH Issues in the Classroom

Special Needs Education

Social, Emotional, and Mental Health (SEMH) challenges have emerged as a paramount concern in educational environments, gaining attention in the 2014 SEND Code of Practice. Recognising these challenges early in a child’s life is essential, not just for their academic […]

Teacher Survival Kit: The Essentials

Teacher Survival Kit: The Essentials

Resources for Teachers

Ever felt overwhelmed by the chaos in your desk drawer and the demands of your day? Is your desk drawer cluttered with unmarked assignments, a jumble of paperclips, and rubber bands, or perhaps a staff handbook that has never seen […]

A schoolchild diligently completes his homework

9 Study Tips – Backed By Science

News and Views

Studying is an art, one that demands tailored approaches based on individual learning styles. Yet, amidst the diversity, certain scientifically-backed techniques rise above the rest, promising optimal learning outcomes. These “study tips” have become a focal keyword in academic circles, […]

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Our free information packs come with everything you need to understand customised planners or exercise books for your trust, including hundreds of tried and tested page examples, tips on creating planners or exercise books and all the prices, options and enhancements available to you.

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